You need to be really positive after the experience of foreclosure, but you can have a life again - depending upon how positive you are and how pro-active you become in raising and managing your finances all over again. Sometimes used as a way out of debt, foreclosure is occasionally sought by people as a means of escape. A bank is always within its rights to chase down a deficiency - although this is rare. Banks are not real debt collection experts - the process for them can be both time consuming and expensive. Unless they are certain that a foreclosure sufferer has come into substantial cash or assets they will not try to get their money back.
If you do go through the foreclosure process - as difficult as it is you will not encounter the bank at your doorstep demanding any more money. The same is true if you have had a short sale. In the current economic climate this is difficult but it will certainly mean dropping the price of the property below the value of the mortgage on it. It’s the lender who takes the loss because they write off the difference. They write off the debt and once this has happened and the have to right to sue the previous home owner for any money.
A short sale is a foreclosure in all but name and for the person losing their home, this is a very important point as it doesn't appear onon their credit records as a negative towards them. This will make life a lot easier, and lead to a much quicker recovery after the sale has gone through. The only chance of getting a short sale is if you go through experts and can learn quickly about the world beyond the credit crunch.
You will need all your mental power and an extremely positive mindset to bounce back from a foreclosure. You can give yourself two mind boosts to help you with your new debt-free life. Often repeated subliminal messaging cds for subliminal learning and make you a quick study plus another subliminal message album to stimulate entreprneurship and wealth creation will soon have you working your way back to your American dream.
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